The only rule that can be suggested is to do that which will make our meaning most clear, because it is for the sake of the clear presentation of our thought that we seek unity, coherence, and emphasis. ( Consider your outline with reference to unity, coherence, and proportion of parts. Such an arrangement of paragraphs would give coherence. Then consider the unity, coherence, and emphasis of the whole composition.
#Coherence examples ap english series
If a composition composed of a series of paragraphs possesses coherence, each paragraph is so related to the preceding ones that the thought goes steadily forward from one to another. The proper selection of these details gives unity, and their introduction at the proper place gives coherence to a narrative. The consideration of methods of securing unity, coherence, and emphasis in the composition as a whole is the purpose of this chapter. General Principles of Composition.+There are three important principles to be considered in every composition : unity, coherence, and emphasis. The great salient points are admirably seized all rounds itself off, into a kind of rhythmic coherence it is, as Schlegel says, epic as indeed all delineation by a great thinker will be. Manœuvres are to teach armies coherence war tries out that coherence, which you may not have if someone does not know just what to do if he is uncertain in his rôle. I see the intellectualistic criticism destroying the immediately given coherence of the phenomenal world, but unable to make its own conceptual substitutes cohere, and I see the resort to the absolute for a coherence of a higher type.

Nor is the subtile and irresistible coherence in successions of clear sunny melody, in which Mozart so abounds, in any great degree understood, even by some who call themselves artists. One breath, one afflatus, inspired them all and it is due to this coherence in their style and inspiration that the school of Venice, taken as a whole, can show more masterpieces by artists of the second class than any other in Italy. Sensations are distinguished from the ideas of imagination, which we can excite and alter at pleasure, by their greater strength, liveliness, and distinctness, by their steadiness, regular order, and coherence, and by the fact that they arise without our aid and whether we will or no. It also gave a coherence to the two parties and allowed the Muhajerim some foothold in an alien city, not as yet unanimously friendly. , by impulse and motion nay, the original rules and communication of motion being such, wherein we can discover no natural connexion with any ideas we have, we can not but ascribe them to the arbitrary will and good pleasure of the Wise Architect. īut the coherence and continuity of the parts of matter the production of sensation in us of colours and sounds, & c. īecause they being the workmanship of the understanding, pursuing only its own ends, and the conveniency of expressing in short those ideas it would make known to another, it does with great liberty unite often into one abstract idea things that, in their nature, have no coherence and so under one term bundle together a great variety of compounded and decompounded ideas. īut when, as with Mother Juliana, we find unity and coherence, we may infer that there has been a life - long habit of active mental control, such as excludes the supposition of an hysterical temperament.

We rather insist on this point, as indicating the habitual healthiness of Mother Juliana 's soula quality which is also abundantly witnessed by the unity and coherence of the doctrine of her revelations, which bespeaks a mind well - knit together, and at harmony with itself. His nearest approach to coherence seemed to indicate a desire that I should go back to Washington at once and destroy a perfectly reputable firm of chemists.